Commanding Officer (CO): Jim Sobota

Executive Officer(XO): Karl Felts

Diversity Rep(GAH): Glenn Cruz

Public Relations Officers (GPR): Phil Hogg

Media inquiries, feedback on social media posts or communication to members

Garrison Membership Liaison (GML): Davin Aldridge

Costume guidelines or general membership questions

Charity Representative (GCR): Sierra Trees-Turner

Central liaison with charities

Garrison Web Liaison (GWL): Alex Kung

Content posted on the website

Garrison Events Coordinators (GEC):  Andy W Seto

Garrison event logistics or opportunities

Garrison Treasurer : Paul Jursa

Garrison finances, including distribution of convention passes

Garrison Commander of the Guard (GCOG): Joe Gallipeau

Garrison Merchandise (GMB): Jason Clinansmith

Garrison merchandise

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